I denne artikkelen vil vi diskutere Python win32-prosessen. Og vi vil også diskutere metodene en etter en.
I utgangspunktet er Win32-prosessen en metode i Python. Utvidede Win32-prosessopprettings- og administrasjonsmuligheter er tilgjengelige gjennom denne modulen. Create-metoden lager prosessobjekter (konstruktøren). Det er mulig å drepe, suspendere, gjenoppta og angi prioritet for prosesser på objekter ved hjelp av tilleggsmetoder.
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI; tidligere WBEM) og WMI-utvidelser for Windows Driver Model fungerer som grunnlaget for administrasjon i Windows 2019/2016/2012/2008 og Windows 10/7/XP (WDM).
Muligheten til å lage monitorsjekkprosedyrer basert på WMI tilbys av ActiveXperts Network Monitor. Det er mer enn hundre WMI-prøver som ActiveXperts har samlet. Disse eksemplene kan tjene som et utgangspunkt for helt nye sjekkerutiner som du oppretter på egen hånd.
Mange WMI-eksempler er tilgjengelige på denne nettsiden.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor bruker Win32_Process WMI-klassen for å overvåke serverne dine.
En serie hendelser på et Windows-operativsystem er representert av Win32_Process WMI-klassen. En sekvens som involverer interaksjonen mellom én eller flere prosessorer eller tolker, noe kjørbar kode og et sett med innganger, for eksempel et klientprogram som kjører på et Windows-system, er en etterkommer eller medlem av denne klassen.
Nå oppstår spørsmålet hva er Python win32?
Så funksjonene for Python win32 og Win32 Application Programming Interface (API) kan brukes med Python ved å bruke PyWin32-biblioteket med utvidelser for Windows.
La oss ta en liten introduksjon til win32api-modul.
Win32api-modulen tilbyr ulike ekstra metoder for å kontrollere prosesser. Disse gir deg muligheten til å utføre mange av de vanlige trinnene som trengs for å lansere nye prosesser, men de mangler fortsatt det høyeste nivået av lavnivåkontroll.
I motsetning til os.system-funksjonen, som tidligere ble forklart, lager WinExec-funksjonen ulike tilpasninger for GUI-programmer. For eksempel er ingen konsoll etablert, og funksjonen venter ikke til den nye prosessen er fullført.
Funksjonen krever disse to inngangene:
- Ordren å utføre
- Alternativt kan programmets vindu opprinnelige tilstand
La oss ta en liten introduksjon til win32api.ShellExecute.
I tillegg tilbyr win32api-modulen en annen fordelaktig funksjon for å starte nye prosesser. I motsetning til å starte tilfeldige prosesser, er åpning av dokumenter hovedformålet med ShellExecute-funksjonen. Du kan for eksempel instruere ShellExecute om å 'åpne MyDocument.doc'. Windows velger hvilken prosess som skal startes på dine vegne for å åpne.doc-filer. Klikket (eller dobbeltklikket) på en a.doc-fil får Windows Utforsker til å utføre samme handling.
Et program som kjøres omtales som en prosess (behandlet). En prosess trenger ikke være en som brukeren kjører manuelt; det kan i stedet være en systemprosess som operativsystemet skaper. Ethvert program som kjører på et operativsystem må først generere en separat prosess før det kan begynne å fungere. Flertallet av prosessene i en typisk OS-installasjon er bakgrunnsprogrammer og operativsystemtjenester som brukes til å holde maskinvaren, programvaren og operativsystemet i god stand.
Dette innlegget vil se på noen alternative Python-metoder for å få en liste over et Windows OSs aktive prosesser.
For å få det ønskede resultatet vil vi først beskrive en Python-metode. Vi vil deretter undersøke en kommando fra Windows-kommandoprosessoren for å oppnå det samme.
attributt feil python
pip installer wmi
Kopier denne koden ovenfor i terminalen.
#import wmi module import wmi # Initializise the wmi constructor f = wmi.WMI() # Print the header print('Printing the pid Process name') # all the running processes for process in f.Win32_Process(): print(f'{process.ProcessId:<5} {process.name}') < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/python-tutorial/88/python-win32-process.webp" alt="Python Win32 Process"> <br> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/python-tutorial/88/python-win32-process-2.webp" alt="Python Win32 Process"> <p>The WMI() function of the wmi library is first initialized. This enables us to access its internal functions, such as WMI.Win32_Service, WMI.Win32_Process, and WMI.Win32_Printjob, each of which is intended to carry out a certain duty. To obtain a list of the system's active processes, we would use the WMI.Win32_Process function. After that, we iterated through all the running processes and placed them in the variable process by calling the function WMI.Win32_Process(). The corresponding attributes were then used to derive the process's ProcessID (pid) and ProcessName (name). To add padding to the output and properly align it, we used F-strings for the output.</p> <p>Now let's go through different methods of module Win32process.</p> <h3>1. STARTUPINFO</h3> <p>In this method, we create a new STARTUPINFO object.</p> <p>Let's understand how to create this, which is given below:</p> <p>win32process.STARTUPINFO</p> <p>PySTARTUPINFO = STARTUPINFO()</p> <h3>2. beginthreadex</h3> <p>In this method, we create a new thread.</p> <p>Let's understand how to create this, which is given below:</p> <p>win32process.beginthreadex</p> <p>PyHANDLE, int = beginthreadex(sa, stackSize , entryPoint , args , flags )</p> <p>Let's understand its parameters is given below</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>sa:</td> PySECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(The security attributes, or None) </tr><tr><td>stackSize :</td> int (The new thread's stack size, or 0 for the default size.) </tr><tr><td>entryPoint :</td> function (It is a thread function) </tr><tr><td>args :</td> tuple </tr><tr><td>flags :</td> int </tr></ul> <p>CREATE_SUSPENDED is an option for delaying the start of a thread.</p> <p> <strong>The thread handle and thread ID are returned as a tuple as the outcome.</strong> </p> <h3>3. CreateProcess</h3> <p>win32process.CreateProcess PyHANDLE, PyHANDLE, int, int = CreateProcess(appName, commandLine , processAttributes , threadAttributes , bInheritHandles , dwCreationFlags , newEnvironment , currentDirectory , startupinfo ) establishes a new process and the main thread for it. The newly created process runs the designated executable file.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>appName:</td> string (executable module's name, or None) </tr><tr><td>Commandline:</td> string (command-line argument, or Nothing) </tr><tr><td>processAttributes:</td> PySECURITY_ATTRIBUTES (attributes of process security, or None) </tr><tr><td>threadAttributes:</td> PySECURITY_ATTRIBUTES (aspects of thread security, or None) </tr><tr><td>bInheritHandles:</td> int </tr><tr><td>dwCreationFlags:</td> int </tr></ul> <h3>4. CreateRemoteThread</h3> <p>win32process.CreateRemoteThread PyHANDLE, int = CreateRemoteThread(hprocess, sa , stackSize , entryPoint , Parameter , flags ) establishes a thread that executes in another process's virtual address space.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hprocess :</td> PyHANDLE (the remote process's handle) </tr><tr><td>sa :</td> PySECURITY_ATTRIBUTES (Security characteristics, or None) </tr><tr><td>stackSize :</td> int (The new thread's stack size, or 0 for the default size.) </tr><tr><td>entryPoint :</td> function (The address of the thread function.) </tr><tr><td>Parameter :</td> int (a void pointer that served as the argument given to the function) </tr><tr><td>flags :</td> int </tr></ul> <p>The thread handle and thread ID are returned as a tuple as the outcome.</p> <h3>5. CreateProcessAsUser</h3> <p>win32process.CreateProcessAsUser creates a new process with the provided user as its context.</p> <p>PyHANDLE, PyHANDLE, int, int = CreateProcessAsUser(hToken, appName , commandLine , processAttributes , threadAttributes , bInheritHandles , dwCreationFlags , newEnvironment , currentDirectory , startupinfo )</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hToken:</td> PyHANDLE (Handle to a token that indicates a user who is currently logged in) </tr><tr><td>appName:</td> string (executable module's name, or None) </tr><tr><td>commandLine:</td> string (command-line argument, or Nothing) </tr><tr><td>processAttributes:</td> PySECURITY_ATTRIBUTES (attributes of process security, or None) </tr><tr><td>threadAttributes:</td> PySECURITY_ATTRIBUTES (aspects of thread security, or None) </tr><tr><td>bInheritHandles:</td> int (the inheritance flag handle) </tr><tr><td>dwCreationFlags:</td> int (creating of flags) </tr><tr><td>newEnvironment:</td> None (A dictionary of stringor Unicode pair definitions to specify the process environment, or None to use the default environment.) </tr><tr><td>currentDirectory:</td> string (name of the current directory, or None) </tr><tr><td>startupinfo:</td> PySTARTUPINFO (a STARTUPINFO object that describes the appearance of the new process's main window.) </tr></ul> <p> <strong>Consequently, a tuple of (hProcess, hThread, dwProcessId, dwThreadId)</strong> </p> <h3>6. GetCurrentProcess</h3> <p>win32process.GetCurrentProcess obtains a fictitious handle for the active process.</p> <p>int = GetCurrentProcess()</p> <h3>7. GetCurrentProcessId</h3> <p>win32process.GetCurrentProcessId reveals the caller process's unique process identification.</p> <p>int = GetCurrentProcessId()</p> <h3>8. GetProcessVersion</h3> <p>win32process.GetProcessVersion reveals the system's main and minor version numbers, which are needed to conduct a specific process.</p> <p>int = GetProcessVersion(processId)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>processId:</td> int (a designation for the desired process.) </tr></ul> <h3>9. GetCurrentProcessId</h3> <p>win32process.GetCurrentProcessId reveals the caller process's unique process identification.</p> <p>int = GetCurrentProcessId()</p> <h3>10. GetStartupInfo</h3> <p>win32process.GetStartupInfo reveals the STARTUPINFO structure's contents, which were supplied when the caller process was established.</p> <p>PySTARTUPINFO = GetStartupInfo()</p> <h3>11. GetPriorityClass</h3> <p>win32process.GetPriorityClass</p> <p>int = GetPriorityClass(handle)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>handle:</td> PyHANDLE (to the thread's handle) </tr></ul> <h3>12. GetExitCodeThread</h3> <p>win32process.GetExitCodeThread</p> <p>int = GetExitCodeThread(handle)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>handle:</td> PyHANDLE (to the thread's handle) </tr></ul> <h3>13. GetExitCodeProcess</h3> <p>win32process.GetExitCodeProcess</p> <p>int = GetExitCodeProcess(handle)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>handle:</td> PyHANDLE (to the thread's handle) </tr></ul> <h3>14. GetWindowThreadProcessId</h3> <p>win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId returns the thread and process IDs that were responsible for the provided window's creation.</p> <p>int, int = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hwnd:</td> int (this parameter handles the window) </tr></ul> <p> <strong>Consequently, a tuple of (threadId, processId)</strong> </p> <h3>15. SetThreadPriority</h3> <p>win32process.SetThreadPriority</p> <p>SetThreadPriority(handle, nPriority)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>handle:</td> PyHANDLE (This parameter handles the thread) </tr><tr><td>nPriority:</td> int (This parameter thread the priority level) </tr></ul> <h3>16. GetThreadPriority</h3> <p>win32process.GetThreadPriority</p> <p>int = GetThreadPriority(handle)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>handle:</td> PyHANDLE (this parameter handles the threads) </tr></ul> <h3>17. GetProcessPriorityBoost</h3> <p>win32process.GetProcessPriorityBoost determines whether a process's dynamic priority adjustment is enabled.</p> <p>bool = GetProcessPriorityBoost(Process)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>Process:</td> PyHANDLE (This parameter handles to a process) </tr></ul> <h3>18. SetProcessPriorityBoost</h3> <p>win32process.SetProcessPriorityBoost enables or disables a process's dynamic priority adjustment.</p> <p>SetProcessPriorityBoost(Process, DisablePriorityBoost)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>Process:</td> PyHANDLE (This parameter handles a process) </tr><tr><td>DisablePriorityBoost:</td> boolean (This parameter indicates True to disable and False to enable) </tr></ul> <h3>19. GetThreadPriorityBoost</h3> <p>win32process.GetThreadPriorityBoost</p> <p>determines whether a thread's dynamic priority adjustment is enabled.</p> <p>bool = GetThreadPriorityBoost(Thread)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>Thread:</td> PyHANDLE (This parameter handles to a thread) </tr></ul> <h3>20. SetThreadPriorityBoost</h3> <p>win32process.SetThreadPriorityBoost enables or disables a thread's dynamic priority adjustment.</p> <p>SetThreadPriorityBoost(Thread, DisablePriorityBoost)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>Thread:</td> PyHANDLE (This parameter handles to a thread) </tr><tr><td>DisablePriorityBoost:</td> boolean ((This parameter indicates True to disable and False to enable) </tr></ul> <h3>21. GetThreadIOPendingFlag</h3> <p>win32process.GetThreadIOPendingFlag determines whether a thread has any open IO requests.</p> <p>bool = GetThreadIOPendingFlag(Thread)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>Thread:</td> PyHANDLE (This parameter handles to a thread) </tr></ul> <h3>22. GetThreadTimes</h3> <p>win32process.GetThreadTimes</p> <p>It returns the time statistics for a thread.</p> <p>dict = GetThreadTimes(Thread)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>Thread:</td> PyHANDLE (This parameter handles to a thread) </tr></ul> <h3>23. GetProcessId</h3> <p>int = GetProcessId(Process)</p> <p>It returns the Pid for a process handle.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>Process:</td> PyHANDLE (This parameter handles to a thread) </tr></ul> <h3>24. SetPriorityClass</h3> <p>win32process.SetPriorityClass</p> <p>SetPriorityClass(handle, dwPriorityClass)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>handle:</td> PyHANDLE (This parameter handles to the process) </tr><tr><td>dwPriorityClass:</td> int (This parameter gives priority class value) </tr></ul> <h3>25. AttachThreadInput</h3> <p>win32process.AttachThreadInput connects and disconnects the input of two threads.</p> <p>AttachThreadInput(idAttach, idAttachTo, Attach)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>idAttach:</td> int (This parameter shows id of a thread) </tr><tr><td>idAttachTo:</td> int (This parameter shows the id of the thread) </tr><tr><td>Attach:</td> bool (determines whether a thread should be joined or disconnected.) </tr></ul> <h3>26. SetThreadIdealProcessor</h3> <p>win32process.SetThreadIdealProcessor</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>win32process.SetThreadIdealProcessor( handle, dwIdealProcessor )</pre> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>handle:</td> PyHANDLE ( handle to the thread of interest ) </tr><tr><td>dwIdealProcessor:</td> int ( ideal processor number ) </tr></ul> <p> <strong>Return type</strong> </p> <p>This method return the int value</p> <h3>27. GetProcessAffinityMask</h3> <p>win32process.GetProcessAffinityMask</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>win32process.GetProcessAffinityMask( hProcess )</pre> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hProcess:</td> PyHANDLE ( handle to the process of interest ) </tr></ul> <p> <strong>Return type</strong> </p> <p>This method returns a tuple of ( process affinity mask, system affinity mask ).</p> <h3>28. SetProcessAffinityMask</h3> <p>win32process.SetProcessAffinityMask</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>win32process.SetProcessAffinityMask( hProcess, mask )</pre> <p>Sets a processor affinity mask for a specified process.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hProcess:</td> PyHANDLE ( handle to the process of interest ) </tr><tr><td>mask:</td> int ( a processor affinity mask ) </tr></ul> <h4>Note: Some platforms do not have this feature.</h4> <h3>29. SetThreadAffinityMask</h3> <p>win32process.SetThreadAffinityMask</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>win32process.SetThreadAffinityMask( hThread, ThreadAffinityMask )</pre> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hThread:</td> PyHANDLE ( handle to the thread of interest ) </tr><tr><td>ThreadAffinityMask:</td> int ( a processor affinity mask ) </tr></ul> <p> <strong>Return type</strong> </p> <p>This method returns an int value.</p> <h3>30. SuspendThread</h3> <p>win32process.SuspendThread</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>int = SuspendThread( handle )</pre> <p>Suspends the specified thread.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>handle:</td> PyHANDLE ( handle to the thread ) </tr></ul> <p> <strong>Return value</strong> </p> <p>The return value is the thread's previous suspend count</p> <h3>31. ResumeThread</h3> <p>win32process.ResumeThread</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>int = ResumeThread( handle )</pre> <p>Resumes the specified thread. When the suspend count is decremented to zero, the execution of the thread is resumed.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>handle:</td> PyHANDLE ( handle to the thread ) </tr></ul> <p> <strong>Return value</strong> </p> <p>The return value is the thread's previous suspend count</p> <h3>32. TerminateProcess</h3> <p>win32process.TerminateProcess</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>TerminateProcess( handle, exitCode )</pre> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>handle:</td> PyHANDLE ( handle to the process ) </tr><tr><td>exitCode:</td> int ( The exit code for the process ) </tr></ul> <h3>33. xitProcess</h3> <p>win32process.ExitProcess</p> <ul> <tr><td>ExitProcess:</td> The process's end and all of its threads </tr></ul> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>exitCode:</td> int (Exit code information is provided for the process, and all threads that are terminated as a result of this call.) </tr></ul> <p>The best way to stop a process is with ExitProcess. A clean process shutdown is provided by this function. This includes contacting each associated dynamic-link library's (DLL) entry-point function with a value indicating that the process is separating from the DLL. The DLLs associated with the process are not informed of the process termination if a process terminates by invoking win32process::TerminateProcess.</p> <h3>34. EnumProcesses</h3> <p>win32process.EnumProcesses</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>( long,.... ) = EnumProcesses()</pre> <p>Provides Pids for activities that are actually running.</p> <h3>35. EnumProcessModules</h3> <p>win32process.EnumProcessModules</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>( long,.... ) = EnumProcessModules( hProcess )</pre> <p>Lists loaded modules for a process handle</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hProcess:</td> PyHANDLE ( Process handle as returned by OpenProcess ) </tr></ul> <h3>36. EnumProcessModulesEx</h3> <p>win32process.EnumProcessModulesEx</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>( long,.... ) = EnumProcessModulesEx( hProcess, FilterFlag )</pre> <p>lists the 32- or 64-bit modules that a process has loaded.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hProcess :</td> PyHANDLE ( The process handle that OpenProcess returned ) FilterFlag=LIST_MODULES_DEFAULT : int ( choose whether to return 32-bit or 64-bit modules. ) needs Windows Vista or later. </tr></ul> <h3>37. GetModuleFileNameEx</h3> <p>win32process.GetModuleFileNameEx</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>PyUNICODE = GetModuleFileNameEx( hProcess, hModule )</pre> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hProcess:</td> PyHANDLE ( The process handle that OpenProcess returned ) </tr><tr><td>hModule:</td> PyHANDLE ( This parameter handles the modules ) </tr></ul> <h3>38. GetProcessMemoryInfo</h3> <p>win32process.GetProcessMemoryInfo</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>dict = GetProcessMemoryInfo( hProcess )</pre> <p>A dict representing a PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS struct is returned as the process memory statistics.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hProcess:</td> PyHANDLE ( Process handle as returned by OpenProcess ) </tr></ul> <h3>39. GetProcessTimes</h3> <p>win32process.GetProcessTimes</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>dict = GetProcessTimes( hProcess )</pre> <p>Obtain time statistics for a process using its handle. (In 100 nanosecond units for UserTime and KernelTime)</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hProcess:</td> PyHANDLE ( Process handle as returned by OpenProcess ) </tr></ul> <h3>40. GetProcessIoCounters</h3> <p>win32process.GetProcessIoCounters</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>dict = GetProcessIoCounters( hProcess )</pre> <p>I/O statistics for a process are returned as a dictionary corresponding to an IO_COUNTERS struct.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hProcess:</td> PyHANDLE ( Process handle as returned by OpenProcess ) </tr></ul> <h3>41. GetProcessWindowStation</h3> <p>win32process.GetProcessWindowStation</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>GetProcessWindowStation()</pre> <p>Returns a handle to the window station for the calling process.</p> <h3>42. GetProcessWorkingSetSize</h3> <p>win32process.GetProcessWorkingSetSize</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>int,int = GetProcessWorkingSetSize( hProcess )</pre> <p>A process's minimum and maximum working set sizes are returned.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hProcess:</td> PyHANDLE ( Process handle as returned by win32api::OpenProcess ) </tr></ul> <h3>43. SetProcessWorkingSetSize</h3> <p>win32process.SetProcessWorkingSetSize</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>SetProcessWorkingSetSize( hProcess, MinimumWorkingSetSize, MaximumWorkingSetSize )</pre> <p>Sets minimum and maximum working set sizes for a process.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>hProcess :</td> PyHANDLE ( Process handle as returned by OpenProcess ) </tr><tr><td>MinimumWorkingSetSize :</td> int ( Minimum number of bytes to keep in physical memory ) </tr><tr><td>MaximumWorkingSetSize :</td> int ( Maximum number of bytes to keep in physical memory ) </tr></ul> <h4>NOTE: To entirely swap out the procedure, set both min and max to -1.</h4> <h3>44. GetProcessShutdownParameters</h3> <p>win32process.GetProcessShutdownParameters</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>int,int = GetProcessShutdownParameters()</pre> <p>Reveals the process's current termination level and triggers.</p> <p>The range is 000-0FF. windows reserved, Last, 200-2FF Middle, First, 300-3FF, and Fourth, 400-4FF Windows reserves.</p> <h3>45. SetProcessShutdownParameters</h3> <p>win32process.SetProcessShutdownParameters</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>SetProcessShutdownParameters(Level, Flags)</pre> <p>Sets the process's flags and termination priority.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>Level:</td> int (This parameter shows higher priority equals earlier) </tr><tr><td>Flags:</td> int (This parameter shows only SHUTDOWN NORETRY is valid at the moment). </tr></ul> <p>The range is 000-0FF. 100-1FF Last, 200-2FF Middle, 300-3FF First, 400-4FF, and reserved by windows window reserved.</p> <h3>46. GetGuiResources</h3> <p>win32process.GetGuiResources</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>int = GetGuiResources(Process, Flags )</pre> <p>Gives the amount of GDI or user object handles that a process is holding.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>Process:</td> PyHANDLE (This parameter Win32api::OpenProcess's returned handle to a process) </tr><tr><td>Flags:</td> int (This parameter shows either GR USEROBJECTS or GR GDIOBJECTS (from win32con)) </tr></ul> <h3>47. IsWow64Process</h3> <p>win32process.IsWow64Process</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre>bool = IsWow64Process(Process)</pre> <p>Identifies whether WOW64 is currently running the specified process.</p> <p> <strong>Parameters</strong> </p> <ul> <tr><td>Process=None:</td> PyHANDLE (Process handle returned by win32api::OpenProcess, win32api::GetCurrentProcess, etc.; if None (the default) is given, the current process handle will be used.) </tr></ul> <p>Let's see its Return Value.</p> <p>The return value is False if the operating system does not provide this function (ie,</p> <p>a NotImplemented exception will never be thrown). However, a</p> <p>win32process.error exception to this is normally thrown if the function is available</p> <p>but ineffective.</p> <h2>Conclusion</h2> <p>In this article, we have discussed Python win32 process. And also, we have discussed the different types of methods and their parameters and return values one by one.</p> <hr></5}>
Denne metoden returnerer int-verdien
27. GetProcessAffinityMask
hvor mange taster har tastaturer
win32process.GetProcessAffinityMask( hProcess )
Denne metoden returnerer en tuppel av (prosessaffinitetsmaske, systemaffinitetsmaske).
28. SetProcessAffinityMask
win32process.SetProcessAffinityMask( hProcess, mask )
Angir en prosessortilhørighetsmaske for en spesifisert prosess.
Merk: Noen plattformer har ikke denne funksjonen.
29. SetThreadAffinityMask
win32process.SetThreadAffinityMask( hThread, ThreadAffinityMask )
Denne metoden returnerer en int-verdi.
30. SuspendThread
int = SuspendThread( handle )
Suspenderer den angitte tråden.
Returverdien er trådens forrige suspenderingstall
31. Fortsett tråd
int = ResumeThread( handle )
Gjenopptar den angitte tråden. Når suspendtellingen reduseres til null, gjenopptas utføringen av tråden.
Returverdien er trådens forrige suspenderingstall
32. Avslutt prosess
TerminateProcess( handle, exitCode )
33. xitProcess
Den beste måten å stoppe en prosess på er med ExitProcess. En ren prosessavslutning er gitt av denne funksjonen. Dette inkluderer å kontakte inngangspunktfunksjonen til hvert tilknyttet dynamisk lenkebibliotek (DLL) med en verdi som indikerer at prosessen skilles fra DLL-en. DLL-ene knyttet til prosessen blir ikke informert om prosessavslutningen hvis en prosess avsluttes ved å påkalle win32process::TerminateProcess.
34. EnumProcesser
( long,.... ) = EnumProcesses()
Gir Pids for aktiviteter som faktisk kjører.
35. EnumProcessModules
( long,.... ) = EnumProcessModules( hProcess )
Viser innlastede moduler for et prosesshåndtak
36. EnumProcessModulesEx
( long,.... ) = EnumProcessModulesEx( hProcess, FilterFlag )
viser 32- eller 64-bits moduler som en prosess har lastet.
37. GetModuleFileNameEx
tilkoblinger i java
PyUNICODE = GetModuleFileNameEx( hProcess, hModule )
38. GetProcessMemoryInfo
dict = GetProcessMemoryInfo( hProcess )
En dict som representerer en PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS struktur returneres som prosessminnestatistikken.
39. GetProcessTimes
dict = GetProcessTimes( hProcess )
Skaff tidsstatistikk for en prosess ved å bruke håndtaket. (I 100 nanosekunders enheter for UserTime og KernelTime)
40. GetProcessIoCounters
dict = GetProcessIoCounters( hProcess )
I/O-statistikk for en prosess returneres som en ordbok som tilsvarer en IO_COUNTERS-struktur.
41. GetProcessWindowStation
Returnerer et håndtak til vindusstasjonen for anropsprosessen.
hva gjør en pc rask
42. GetProcessWorkingSetSize
int,int = GetProcessWorkingSetSize( hProcess )
En prosess minimum og maksimum arbeidssettstørrelser returneres.
43. SetProcessWorkingSetSize
SetProcessWorkingSetSize( hProcess, MinimumWorkingSetSize, MaximumWorkingSetSize )
Angir minimum og maksimum arbeidssettstørrelser for en prosess.
MERK: For å bytte helt ut prosedyren, sett både min og maks til -1.
44. GetProcessShutdown-parametere
int,int = GetProcessShutdownParameters()
Avslører prosessens nåværende avslutningsnivå og utløser.
Rekkevidden er 000-0FF. vinduer reservert, Last, 200-2FF Middle, First, 300-3FF, og Fourth, 400-4FF Windows-reserver.
45. SetProcessShutdown-parametere
SetProcessShutdownParameters(Level, Flags)
Angir prosessens flagg og avslutningsprioritet.
Rekkevidden er 000-0FF. 100-1FF Last, 200-2FF Middle, 300-3FF First, 400-4FF, og reservert av windows-vinduet er reservert.
46. GetGuiResources
ulv eller rev
int = GetGuiResources(Process, Flags )
Gir mengden GDI eller brukerobjekthåndtak som en prosess holder.
47. IsWow64Process
bool = IsWow64Process(Process)
Identifiserer om WOW64 kjører den angitte prosessen.
La oss se returverdien.
Returverdien er False hvis operativsystemet ikke har denne funksjonen (dvs.
et NotImplemented-unntak vil aldri bli kastet). Imidlertid, a
win32process.error unntak fra dette blir normalt kastet hvis funksjonen er tilgjengelig
men ineffektiv.
I denne artikkelen har vi diskutert Python win32-prosessen. Og også, vi har diskutert de forskjellige typene metoder og deres parametere og returverdier én etter én.