
String Array i Java

En Array er en viktig og mest brukte datastruktur i Java . Det er en av de mest brukte datastrukturene av programmerere på grunn av sin effektive og produktive natur; Arrayen er en samling av lignende datatypeelementer. Den bruker en sammenhengende minneplassering for å lagre elementene.

En String Array er en Array med et fast antall String-verdier . En streng er en sekvens av tegn. Vanligvis er en streng et uforanderlig objekt, noe som betyr at verdien til strengen ikke kan endres. String Array fungerer på samme måte som andre datatyper av Array.

I Array , bare et fast sett med elementer kan lagres. Det er en indeksbasert datastruktur, som starter fra 0thposisjon. Det første elementet vil finne sted i indeks 0, og 2ndelement vil finne sted i indeks 1, og så videre.

Hovedmetoden {Public static void main[ String [] args]; } i Java er også en String Array.

Tenk på punktene nedenfor om String Array:

  • Det er et objekt i Arrayen.
  • Det kan deklareres ved de to metodene; ved å spesifisere størrelsen eller uten å spesifisere størrelsen.
  • Den kan initialiseres enten ved erklæringen eller ved å fylle ut verdiene etter erklæringen.
  • Elementene kan legges til en String Array etter at de er deklarert.
  • String Array kan itereres ved å bruke for-løkken.
  • Søke- og sorteringsoperasjonen kan utføres på String Array.


Array-deklarasjonen er av to typer, enten kan vi spesifisere størrelsen på Arrayen eller uten å spesifisere størrelsen på Arrayen. En String Array kan deklareres som følger:

 String[] stringArray1 //Declaration of the String Array without specifying the size String[] stringArray2 = new String[2]; //Declarartion by specifying the size 

En annen måte å erklære Array på er String strArray[] , men metodene ovenfor er mer effektive og anbefalte.


String Array kan initialiseres enkelt. Nedenfor er initialiseringen av String Array:

 1. String[] strAr1=new String[] {'Ani', 'Sam', 'Joe'}; //inline initialization 2. String[] strAr2 = {'Ani', 'Sam', ' Joe'}; 3. String[] strAr3= new String[3]; //Initialization after declaration with specific size strAr3[0]= 'Ani'; strAr3[1]= 'Sam'; strAr3[2]= 'Joe'; 

Alle de tre ovennevnte måtene brukes til å initialisere String Array og har samme verdi.

Den 3rdmetoden er en spesifikk størrelsesmetode. I denne kan verdien av indeksen bli funnet ved å bruke ( arraylengde - 1 ) formel hvis vi ønsker å få tilgang til elementene mer enn indeksen 2 i Arrayen ovenfor. Det vil kaste Java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException unntak.

La oss se et eksempel på String Array for å demonstrere dens oppførsel:

maskinskrift for hver

Iterasjon av String Array

String Array kan itereres ved å bruke for og foreach-løkken. Tenk på koden nedenfor:

 String[] strAr = {&apos;Ani&apos;, &apos;Sam&apos;, &apos;Joe&apos;}; for (int i=0; i<strar.length; i++) { system.out.println(strar[i]); } for ( string str: strar) sytem.out.println(str); < pre> <h2>Adding Elements to a String Array</h2> <p>We can easily add the elements to the String Array just like other data types. It can be done using the following three methods:</p> <ul> <tr><td>Using Pre-Allocation of the Array</td>  </tr><tr><td>Using the Array List</td>  </tr><tr><td>By creating a new Array</td>  </tr></ul> <p>let&apos;s understand the above methods:</p> <h3>Using Pre-Allocation of the Array:</h3> <p>In this method, we already have an Array of larger size. For example, if we require to store the 10 elements, then we will create an Array of size 20. It is the easiest way to expand the Array elements.</p> <p>Consider the below example to add elements in a pre-allocated array.</p> <pre> // Java Program to add elements in a pre-allocated Array import java.util.Arrays; public class StringArrayDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] sa = new String[7]; // Creating a new Array of Size 7 sa[0] = &apos;A&apos;; // Adding Array elements sa[1] = &apos;B&apos;; sa[2] = &apos;C&apos;; sa[3] = &apos;D&apos;; sa[4] = &apos;E&apos;; System.out.println(&apos;Original Array Elements:&apos; + Arrays.toString(sa)); int numberOfItems = 5; String newItem = &apos;F&apos;; // Expanding Array Elements Later String newItem2 =&apos;G&apos;; sa[numberOfItems++] = newItem; sa[numberOfItems++] = newItem2; System.out.println(&apos;Array after adding two elements:&apos; + Arrays.toString(sa)); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Original Array Elements:[A, B, C, D, E, null, null] Array after adding two elements:[A, B, C, D, E, F, G] </pre> <p>From the above example, we have added two elements in a pre-allocated Array.</p> <h3>Using ArrayList:</h3> <p>The <a href="/java-arraylist">ArrayList</a> is a fascinating data structure of the <a href="/collections-java">Java collection framework</a> . We can easily add elements to a <a href="/java-string">String</a> Array using an ArrayList as an intermediate data structure.</p> <p>Consider the below example to understand how to add elements to a String Array using ArrayList :</p> <pre> import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class StringArrayDemo1 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Defining a String Array String sa[] = { &apos;A&apos;, &apos;B&apos;, &apos;C&apos;, &apos;D&apos;, &apos;E&apos;, &apos;F&apos; }; // System.out.println(&apos;Initial Array:
&apos; + Arrays.toString(sa)); String ne = &apos;G&apos;; // Define new element to add Listl = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(sa)); // Convert Array to ArrayList l.add(ne); // Add new element in ArrayList l sa = l.toArray(sa); // Revert Conversion from ArrayList to Array // printing the new Array System.out.println(&apos;Array with added Value: 
&apos; + Arrays.toString(sa)) ; } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Initial Array: [A, B, C, D, E, F] Array with added value: [A, B, C, D, E, F, G] </pre> <h3>By Creating a New Array:</h3> <p>In this method, we will create a new Array with a larger size than the initial Array and accommodate the elements in it. We will copy all the elements to the newly added Array.</p> <p>Consider the below example:</p> <pre> // Java Program to add elements in a String Array by creating a new Array import java.util.Arrays; public class StringArrayDemo2 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Declaring Initial Array String[] sa = {&apos;A&apos;, &apos;B&apos;, &apos;C&apos; }; // Printing the Original Array System.out.println(&apos;Initial Array: &apos; + Arrays.toString(sa)); int length_Var = sa.length; //Defining the array length variable String newElement = &apos;D&apos;; // Defining new element to add //define new array with extended length String[] newArray = new String[ length_Var + 1 ]; //Adding all the elements to initial Array for (int i=0; i <sa.length; i++) { newarray[i]="sa" [i]; } specifying the position of added elements ( last) newarray[newarray.length- 1]="newElement;" make it original and print sa="newArray;" system.out.println('updated array: ' + arrays.tostring(sa)); < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Initial Array: [A, B, C] updated Array: [A, B, C, D] </pre> <p>This is how we can add elements to a String Array. Let&apos;s understand how to search and sort elements in String Array.</p> <h2>Searching in String Array</h2> <p>For searching a String from the String Array, for loop is used. Consider the below example:</p> <pre> public class StringArrayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] strArray = { &apos;Ani&apos;, &apos;Sam&apos;, &apos;Joe&apos; }; boolean x = false; //initializing x to false int in = 0; //declaration of index variable String s = &apos;Sam&apos;; // String to be searched // Iteration of the String Array for (int i = 0; i <strarray.length; i++) { if(s.equals(strarray[i])) in="i;" x="true;" break; } if(x) system.out.println(s +' string is found at index '+in); else not the array'); < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Sam String is found at index 1 </pre> <p>In the above example, we have initialized a boolean variable <strong>x</strong> to false and an index variable to iterate through the string. Also, we have declared a local variable String variable <strong>s</strong> to be searched. Here, the break keyword will exit the loop as soon as the string is found.</p> <h2>Sorting in String Array</h2> <p>The sorting in the String array is quite easy. It is performed like in a traditional array. We use a sort() method to sort the Array elements. Sorting is easier than searching.</p> <p>Consider the below example to <a href="/how-sort-string-array-java">sort a String Array</a> :</p> <pre> //Java Program to sort elements in a String Array import java.util.Arrays; public class StringArraySorting { public static void main(String[] args) { // Adding String values String[] colors = {&apos;Cricket&apos;,&apos;Basketball&apos;,&apos;Football&apos;,&apos;Badminton&apos;,&apos;Tennis&apos;}; // Print Original values System.out.println(&apos;Entered Sports: &apos;+Arrays.toString(colors)); Arrays.sort(colors); // Sorting Elements // Print Sorted Values System.out.println(&apos;Sorted Sports: &apos;+Arrays.toString(colors)); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Entered Sports: [Cricket, Basketball, Football, Badminton, Tennis] Sorted Sports: [Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Tennis] </pre> <p>From the above example, we can see the elements from a String Array is sorted using the sort() method.</p> <p>We can also convert String Array to other data structures such as List, int Array, ArrayList, and more and vice-versa.</p> <hr></strarray.length;></pre></sa.length;></pre></strar.length;>


 Original Array Elements:[A, B, C, D, E, null, null] Array after adding two elements:[A, B, C, D, E, F, G] 

Fra eksemplet ovenfor har vi lagt til to elementer i en forhåndstildelt Array.

Bruke ArrayList:

De ArrayList er en fascinerende datastruktur av Java-samlingsrammeverk . Vi kan enkelt legge til elementer til en String Array som bruker en ArrayList som en mellomdatastruktur.

Tenk på eksemplet nedenfor for å forstå hvordan du legger til elementer i en String Array ved å bruke ArrayList:

hva er kataloginnsending
 import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class StringArrayDemo1 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Defining a String Array String sa[] = { &apos;A&apos;, &apos;B&apos;, &apos;C&apos;, &apos;D&apos;, &apos;E&apos;, &apos;F&apos; }; // System.out.println(&apos;Initial Array:
&apos; + Arrays.toString(sa)); String ne = &apos;G&apos;; // Define new element to add Listl = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(sa)); // Convert Array to ArrayList l.add(ne); // Add new element in ArrayList l sa = l.toArray(sa); // Revert Conversion from ArrayList to Array // printing the new Array System.out.println(&apos;Array with added Value: 
&apos; + Arrays.toString(sa)) ; } } 


 Initial Array: [A, B, C, D, E, F] Array with added value: [A, B, C, D, E, F, G] 

Ved å lage en ny matrise:

I denne metoden vil vi lage en ny Array med en større størrelse enn den opprinnelige Arrayen og romme elementene i den. Vi vil kopiere alle elementene til den nylig lagt til Array.

Tenk på eksemplet nedenfor:

 // Java Program to add elements in a String Array by creating a new Array import java.util.Arrays; public class StringArrayDemo2 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Declaring Initial Array String[] sa = {&apos;A&apos;, &apos;B&apos;, &apos;C&apos; }; // Printing the Original Array System.out.println(&apos;Initial Array: &apos; + Arrays.toString(sa)); int length_Var = sa.length; //Defining the array length variable String newElement = &apos;D&apos;; // Defining new element to add //define new array with extended length String[] newArray = new String[ length_Var + 1 ]; //Adding all the elements to initial Array for (int i=0; i <sa.length; i++) { newarray[i]="sa" [i]; } specifying the position of added elements ( last) newarray[newarray.length- 1]="newElement;" make it original and print sa="newArray;" system.out.println(\'updated array: \' + arrays.tostring(sa)); < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Initial Array: [A, B, C] updated Array: [A, B, C, D] </pre> <p>This is how we can add elements to a String Array. Let&apos;s understand how to search and sort elements in String Array.</p> <h2>Searching in String Array</h2> <p>For searching a String from the String Array, for loop is used. Consider the below example:</p> <pre> public class StringArrayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] strArray = { &apos;Ani&apos;, &apos;Sam&apos;, &apos;Joe&apos; }; boolean x = false; //initializing x to false int in = 0; //declaration of index variable String s = &apos;Sam&apos;; // String to be searched // Iteration of the String Array for (int i = 0; i <strarray.length; i++) { if(s.equals(strarray[i])) in="i;" x="true;" break; } if(x) system.out.println(s +\' string is found at index \'+in); else not the array\'); < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Sam String is found at index 1 </pre> <p>In the above example, we have initialized a boolean variable <strong>x</strong> to false and an index variable to iterate through the string. Also, we have declared a local variable String variable <strong>s</strong> to be searched. Here, the break keyword will exit the loop as soon as the string is found.</p> <h2>Sorting in String Array</h2> <p>The sorting in the String array is quite easy. It is performed like in a traditional array. We use a sort() method to sort the Array elements. Sorting is easier than searching.</p> <p>Consider the below example to <a href="/how-sort-string-array-java">sort a String Array</a> :</p> <pre> //Java Program to sort elements in a String Array import java.util.Arrays; public class StringArraySorting { public static void main(String[] args) { // Adding String values String[] colors = {&apos;Cricket&apos;,&apos;Basketball&apos;,&apos;Football&apos;,&apos;Badminton&apos;,&apos;Tennis&apos;}; // Print Original values System.out.println(&apos;Entered Sports: &apos;+Arrays.toString(colors)); Arrays.sort(colors); // Sorting Elements // Print Sorted Values System.out.println(&apos;Sorted Sports: &apos;+Arrays.toString(colors)); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Entered Sports: [Cricket, Basketball, Football, Badminton, Tennis] Sorted Sports: [Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Tennis] </pre> <p>From the above example, we can see the elements from a String Array is sorted using the sort() method.</p> <p>We can also convert String Array to other data structures such as List, int Array, ArrayList, and more and vice-versa.</p> <hr></strarray.length;></pre></sa.length;>

Dette er hvordan vi kan legge til elementer i en String Array. La oss forstå hvordan du søker og sorterer elementer i String Array.

Søker i String Array

For å søke etter en streng fra String Array, brukes for loop. Tenk på eksemplet nedenfor:

 public class StringArrayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] strArray = { &apos;Ani&apos;, &apos;Sam&apos;, &apos;Joe&apos; }; boolean x = false; //initializing x to false int in = 0; //declaration of index variable String s = &apos;Sam&apos;; // String to be searched // Iteration of the String Array for (int i = 0; i <strarray.length; i++) { if(s.equals(strarray[i])) in="i;" x="true;" break; } if(x) system.out.println(s +\' string is found at index \'+in); else not the array\'); < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Sam String is found at index 1 </pre> <p>In the above example, we have initialized a boolean variable <strong>x</strong> to false and an index variable to iterate through the string. Also, we have declared a local variable String variable <strong>s</strong> to be searched. Here, the break keyword will exit the loop as soon as the string is found.</p> <h2>Sorting in String Array</h2> <p>The sorting in the String array is quite easy. It is performed like in a traditional array. We use a sort() method to sort the Array elements. Sorting is easier than searching.</p> <p>Consider the below example to <a href="/how-sort-string-array-java">sort a String Array</a> :</p> <pre> //Java Program to sort elements in a String Array import java.util.Arrays; public class StringArraySorting { public static void main(String[] args) { // Adding String values String[] colors = {&apos;Cricket&apos;,&apos;Basketball&apos;,&apos;Football&apos;,&apos;Badminton&apos;,&apos;Tennis&apos;}; // Print Original values System.out.println(&apos;Entered Sports: &apos;+Arrays.toString(colors)); Arrays.sort(colors); // Sorting Elements // Print Sorted Values System.out.println(&apos;Sorted Sports: &apos;+Arrays.toString(colors)); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> Entered Sports: [Cricket, Basketball, Football, Badminton, Tennis] Sorted Sports: [Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Tennis] </pre> <p>From the above example, we can see the elements from a String Array is sorted using the sort() method.</p> <p>We can also convert String Array to other data structures such as List, int Array, ArrayList, and more and vice-versa.</p> <hr></strarray.length;>

I eksemplet ovenfor har vi initialisert en boolsk variabel x til falsk og en indeksvariabel for å iterere gjennom strengen. Vi har også erklært en lokal variabel String-variabel s som skal søkes. Her vil nøkkelordet break gå ut av loopen så snart strengen er funnet.

Sortering i String Array

Sorteringen i String-arrayen er ganske enkel. Det utføres som i en tradisjonell array. Vi bruker en sort()-metode for å sortere Array-elementene. Sortering er enklere enn å søke.

Tenk på eksemplet nedenfor sortere en String Array :

 //Java Program to sort elements in a String Array import java.util.Arrays; public class StringArraySorting { public static void main(String[] args) { // Adding String values String[] colors = {&apos;Cricket&apos;,&apos;Basketball&apos;,&apos;Football&apos;,&apos;Badminton&apos;,&apos;Tennis&apos;}; // Print Original values System.out.println(&apos;Entered Sports: &apos;+Arrays.toString(colors)); Arrays.sort(colors); // Sorting Elements // Print Sorted Values System.out.println(&apos;Sorted Sports: &apos;+Arrays.toString(colors)); } } 


 Entered Sports: [Cricket, Basketball, Football, Badminton, Tennis] Sorted Sports: [Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Tennis] 

Fra eksemplet ovenfor kan vi se at elementene fra en String Array er sortert ved hjelp av sort()-metoden.

Vi kan også konvertere String Array til andre datastrukturer som List, int Array, ArrayList og mer og vice versa.