
Reversere en matrise i Java

I denne opplæringen vil vi diskutere hvordan man kan reversere en matrise i Java . I inngangen er det gitt en heltallsmatrise, og oppgaven er å reversere inputmatrisen. Å reversere en matrise betyr at det siste elementet i inngangsmatrisen skal være det første elementet i den reverserte matrisen, det nest siste elementet i innmatrisen skal være det andre elementet i den reverserte matrisen, og så videre. Legg merke til følgende eksempler.

Eksempel 1:


arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}


Eksempel 2:


arr[] = {4, 8, 3, 9, 0, 1}


arr[] = {1, 0, 9, 3, 8, 4}

int i streng

Tilnærming 1: Bruke en hjelpematrise

Vi kan krysse matrisen fra slutt til begynnelse, dvs. i omvendt rekkefølge, og lagre elementet pekt av løkkeindeksen i hjelpematrisen. Hjelpematrisen inneholder nå elementene til inngangsmatrisen i omvendt rekkefølge. Etter det kan vi vise hjelpearrayen på konsollen. Se følgende program.

Filnavn: ReverseArr.java

 public class ReverseArr { // method for reversing an array public int[] reverseArray(int arr[]) { // computing the size of the array arr int size = arr.length; // auxiliary array for reversing the // elements of the array arr int temp[] = new int[size]; int index = 0; for(int i = size - 1; i &gt;= 0; i--) { temp[i] = arr[index]; index = index + 1; } return temp; } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr ReverseArr obj = new ReverseArr(); // input array - 1 int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; int ans[] = obj.reverseArray(arr); System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + ' '); } system.out.println(); system.out.println('the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(ans[i] system.out.println('
 input - int arr1[]="{4," 8, 3, 9, 0, 1}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" ans1[]="obj.reverseArray(arr1);" system.out.println('for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] system.out.print(ans1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> A for loop is required to reverse the array, which makes the time complexity of the program O(n). Also, an auxiliary array is required to reverse the array making the space complexity of the program O(n), where n is the total number of elements present in the array.</p> <h2>Approach 2: Using Two Pointers</h2> <p>We can also use two pointers to reverse the input array. The first pointer will go to the first element of the array. The second pointer will point to the last element of the input array. Now we will start swapping elements pointed by these two pointers. After swapping, the second pointer will move in the leftward direction, and the first pointer will move in the rightward direction. When these two pointers meet or cross each other, we stop the swapping, and the array we get is the reversed array of the input array.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr1.java</p> <pre> public class ReverseArr1 { // method for reversing an array public int[] reverseArray(int arr[]) { // computing the size of the array arr int size = arr.length; // two pointers for reversing // the input array int ptr1 = 0; int ptr2 = size - 1; // reversing the input array // using a while loop while(ptr1 <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The time complexity of the program is the same as the previous program. There is no extra space used in the program, making the space complexity of the program O(1).</p> <h2>Approach 3: Using Stack</h2> <p>Since a Stack works on the LIFO (Last In First Out) principle, it can be used to reverse the input array. All we have to do is to put all the elements of the input array in the stack, starting from left to right. We will do it using a loop.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr2.java</p> <pre> // importing Stack import java.util.Stack; public class ReverseArr2 { // method for reversing an array public int[] reverseArray(int arr[]) { // computing the size of the array arr int size = arr.length; Stack stk = new Stack(); // pusing all the elements into stack // starting from left for(int i = 0; i <size; 1 2 i++) { stk.push(arr[i]); } int i="0;" while(!stk.isempty()) ele="stk.pop();" arr[i]="ele;" + 1; return arr; main method public static void main(string argvs[]) creating an object of the class reversearr2 obj="new" reversearr2(); input array - arr[]="{1," 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; computing length len="arr.length;" system.out.println('for array: '); for(int < len; system.out.print(arr[i] ' ans[]="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println('the reversed is: system.out.print(ans[i] system.out.println('
 arr1[]="{4," 8, 9, 0, 1}; system.out.print(arr1[i] ans1[]="obj.reverseArray(arr1);" system.out.print(ans1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The time complexity of the program is the same as the previous program. There is stack used in the program, making the space complexity of the program O(n).</p> <h3>Using Recursion</h3> <p>Using recursion also, we can achieve the same result. Observe the following.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr3.java</p> <pre> // importing ArrayList import java.util.ArrayList; public class ReverseArr3 { ArrayList reverseArr; // constructor of the class ReverseArr3() { reverseArr = new ArrayList(); } // method for reversing an array public void reverseArray(int arr[], int i, int size) { // dealing with the base case if(i &gt;= size) { return; } // recursively calling the method reverseArray(arr, i + 1, size); reverseArr.add(arr[i]); } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr3 ReverseArr3 obj = new ReverseArr3(); // input array - 1 int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 0 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + ' '); } obj.reversearray(arr, , len); system.out.println(); system.out.println('the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(obj.reversearr.get(i) system.out.println('
 obj="new" reversearr3(); input - int arr1[]="{4," 8, 3, 9, 0, 1}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println('for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] obj.reversearray(arr1, pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> The statement <em>reverseArr.add(arr[i]);</em> is written after the recursive call goes in the stack (note that the stack is implicit in this case). So, when the base case is hit in the recursive call, stack unwinding happens, and whatever is there in the stack pops out. The last element goes into the stack during the last recursive call. Therefore, the last element is popped out first. Then the penultimate element is popped out, and so on. The statement <em>reverseArr.add(arr[i]);</em> stores that popped element. In the end, we are displaying the elements that are stored in the list <em>reverseArr</em> .</p> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> Same as the first program of approach-3.</p> <h2>Approach 4: Using Collections.reverse() method</h2> <p>The build method Collections.reverse() can be used to reverse the list. The use of it is shown in the following program.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr4.java</p> <pre> // importing Collections, Arrays, ArrayList &amp; List import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class ReverseArr4 { // method for reversing an array public List reverseArray(Integer arr[]) { List l = (Arrays.asList(arr)); Collections.reverse(l); return l; } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr4 ReverseArr4 obj = new ReverseArr4(); // input array - 1 Integer arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + ' '); } list ans="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println('the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(ans.get(i) system.out.println('
 input - integer arr1[]="{4," 8, 3, 9, 0, 1}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println('for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The program uses <em>Collections.reverse()</em> method that reverses the list in linear time, making the time complexity of the program O(n). The program uses using list, making the space complexity of the program O(n), where n is the total number of elements present in the array.</p> <h4>Note 1: <em>Collections.reverse()</em> method is also used to reverse the linked list.</h4> <h4>Note 2: All the approaches discussed above are applicable to different data types too.</h4> <h2>Approach 5: Using StringBuilder.append() method</h2> <p>It is evident from the heading that this approach is applicable to string arrays. Using the StringBuilder.append() method, we can reverse the string array. All we have to do is to start appending the string elements of the array from the last to the beginning.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr5.java</p> <pre> import java.util.*; public class ReverseArr5 { // method for reversing an array public String[] reverseArray(String arr[]) { StringBuilder reversedSB = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = arr.length; j &gt; 0; j--) { reversedSB.append(arr[j - 1]).append(&apos; &apos;); }; String[] reversedArr = reversedSB.toString().split(&apos; &apos;); return reversedArr; } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr5 ReverseArr5 obj = new ReverseArr5(); // input array - 1 String arr[] = {&apos;javaTpoint&apos;, &apos;is&apos;, &apos;the&apos;, &apos;best&apos;, &apos;website&apos;}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + ' '); } string[] ans="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println('the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(ans[i] system.out.println('
 input - string arr1[]="{&apos;India&apos;," 'is', 'my', 'country'}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println('for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] ans1="obj.reverseArray(arr1);" system.out.print(ans1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: javaTpoint is the best website The reversed array is: website best the is javaTpoint For the input array: India is my country The reversed array is: country my is India </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The time and space complexity of the program is the same as the previous program.</p> <hr></len;></pre></len;></pre></len;></pre></size;></pre></pre></len;>

Kompleksitetsanalyse: En for-løkke kreves for å reversere matrisen, noe som gjør tidskompleksiteten til programmet O(n). Det kreves også en hjelpematrise for å reversere matrisen som gjør plasskompleksiteten til programmet O(n), der n er det totale antallet elementer som er tilstede i matrisen.

Tilnærming 2: Bruk av to pekere

Vi kan også bruke to pekere for å reversere inndatamatrisen. Den første pekeren vil gå til det første elementet i matrisen. Den andre pekeren vil peke til det siste elementet i inndatamatrisen. Nå skal vi begynne å bytte elementer pekt av disse to pekerne. Etter å ha byttet, vil den andre pekeren bevege seg i retning venstre, og den første pekeren vil bevege seg i retning høyre. Når disse to pekerne møtes eller krysser hverandre, stopper vi byttet, og matrisen vi får er den omvendte matrisen til inngangsmatrisen.

Filnavn: ReverseArr1.java

 public class ReverseArr1 { // method for reversing an array public int[] reverseArray(int arr[]) { // computing the size of the array arr int size = arr.length; // two pointers for reversing // the input array int ptr1 = 0; int ptr2 = size - 1; // reversing the input array // using a while loop while(ptr1 <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The time complexity of the program is the same as the previous program. There is no extra space used in the program, making the space complexity of the program O(1).</p> <h2>Approach 3: Using Stack</h2> <p>Since a Stack works on the LIFO (Last In First Out) principle, it can be used to reverse the input array. All we have to do is to put all the elements of the input array in the stack, starting from left to right. We will do it using a loop.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr2.java</p> <pre> // importing Stack import java.util.Stack; public class ReverseArr2 { // method for reversing an array public int[] reverseArray(int arr[]) { // computing the size of the array arr int size = arr.length; Stack stk = new Stack(); // pusing all the elements into stack // starting from left for(int i = 0; i <size; 1 2 i++) { stk.push(arr[i]); } int i="0;" while(!stk.isempty()) ele="stk.pop();" arr[i]="ele;" + 1; return arr; main method public static void main(string argvs[]) creating an object of the class reversearr2 obj="new" reversearr2(); input array - arr[]="{1," 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; computing length len="arr.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: \'); for(int < len; system.out.print(arr[i] \' ans[]="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed is: system.out.print(ans[i] system.out.println(\'
 arr1[]="{4," 8, 9, 0, 1}; system.out.print(arr1[i] ans1[]="obj.reverseArray(arr1);" system.out.print(ans1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The time complexity of the program is the same as the previous program. There is stack used in the program, making the space complexity of the program O(n).</p> <h3>Using Recursion</h3> <p>Using recursion also, we can achieve the same result. Observe the following.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr3.java</p> <pre> // importing ArrayList import java.util.ArrayList; public class ReverseArr3 { ArrayList reverseArr; // constructor of the class ReverseArr3() { reverseArr = new ArrayList(); } // method for reversing an array public void reverseArray(int arr[], int i, int size) { // dealing with the base case if(i &gt;= size) { return; } // recursively calling the method reverseArray(arr, i + 1, size); reverseArr.add(arr[i]); } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr3 ReverseArr3 obj = new ReverseArr3(); // input array - 1 int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 0 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + \' \'); } obj.reversearray(arr, , len); system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(obj.reversearr.get(i) system.out.println(\'
 obj="new" reversearr3(); input - int arr1[]="{4," 8, 3, 9, 0, 1}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] obj.reversearray(arr1, pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> The statement <em>reverseArr.add(arr[i]);</em> is written after the recursive call goes in the stack (note that the stack is implicit in this case). So, when the base case is hit in the recursive call, stack unwinding happens, and whatever is there in the stack pops out. The last element goes into the stack during the last recursive call. Therefore, the last element is popped out first. Then the penultimate element is popped out, and so on. The statement <em>reverseArr.add(arr[i]);</em> stores that popped element. In the end, we are displaying the elements that are stored in the list <em>reverseArr</em> .</p> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> Same as the first program of approach-3.</p> <h2>Approach 4: Using Collections.reverse() method</h2> <p>The build method Collections.reverse() can be used to reverse the list. The use of it is shown in the following program.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr4.java</p> <pre> // importing Collections, Arrays, ArrayList &amp; List import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class ReverseArr4 { // method for reversing an array public List reverseArray(Integer arr[]) { List l = (Arrays.asList(arr)); Collections.reverse(l); return l; } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr4 ReverseArr4 obj = new ReverseArr4(); // input array - 1 Integer arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + \' \'); } list ans="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(ans.get(i) system.out.println(\'
 input - integer arr1[]="{4," 8, 3, 9, 0, 1}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The program uses <em>Collections.reverse()</em> method that reverses the list in linear time, making the time complexity of the program O(n). The program uses using list, making the space complexity of the program O(n), where n is the total number of elements present in the array.</p> <h4>Note 1: <em>Collections.reverse()</em> method is also used to reverse the linked list.</h4> <h4>Note 2: All the approaches discussed above are applicable to different data types too.</h4> <h2>Approach 5: Using StringBuilder.append() method</h2> <p>It is evident from the heading that this approach is applicable to string arrays. Using the StringBuilder.append() method, we can reverse the string array. All we have to do is to start appending the string elements of the array from the last to the beginning.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr5.java</p> <pre> import java.util.*; public class ReverseArr5 { // method for reversing an array public String[] reverseArray(String arr[]) { StringBuilder reversedSB = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = arr.length; j &gt; 0; j--) { reversedSB.append(arr[j - 1]).append(&apos; &apos;); }; String[] reversedArr = reversedSB.toString().split(&apos; &apos;); return reversedArr; } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr5 ReverseArr5 obj = new ReverseArr5(); // input array - 1 String arr[] = {&apos;javaTpoint&apos;, &apos;is&apos;, &apos;the&apos;, &apos;best&apos;, &apos;website&apos;}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + \' \'); } string[] ans="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(ans[i] system.out.println(\'
 input - string arr1[]="{&apos;India&apos;," \'is\', \'my\', \'country\'}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] ans1="obj.reverseArray(arr1);" system.out.print(ans1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: javaTpoint is the best website The reversed array is: website best the is javaTpoint For the input array: India is my country The reversed array is: country my is India </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The time and space complexity of the program is the same as the previous program.</p> <hr></len;></pre></len;></pre></len;></pre></size;></pre>

Kompleksitetsanalyse: Tidskompleksiteten til programmet er den samme som det forrige programmet. Det er ingen ekstra plass brukt i programmet, noe som gjør plass kompleksiteten til programmet O(1).

Tilnærming 3: Bruke Stack

Siden en stabel fungerer på LIFO-prinsippet (Last In First Out), kan den brukes til å reversere input-arrayen. Alt vi trenger å gjøre er å legge alle elementene i input-arrayen i stabelen, fra venstre til høyre. Vi vil gjøre det ved hjelp av en løkke.

Filnavn: ReverseArr2.java

 // importing Stack import java.util.Stack; public class ReverseArr2 { // method for reversing an array public int[] reverseArray(int arr[]) { // computing the size of the array arr int size = arr.length; Stack stk = new Stack(); // pusing all the elements into stack // starting from left for(int i = 0; i <size; 1 2 i++) { stk.push(arr[i]); } int i="0;" while(!stk.isempty()) ele="stk.pop();" arr[i]="ele;" + 1; return arr; main method public static void main(string argvs[]) creating an object of the class reversearr2 obj="new" reversearr2(); input array - arr[]="{1," 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; computing length len="arr.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: \'); for(int < len; system.out.print(arr[i] \' ans[]="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed is: system.out.print(ans[i] system.out.println(\'
 arr1[]="{4," 8, 9, 0, 1}; system.out.print(arr1[i] ans1[]="obj.reverseArray(arr1);" system.out.print(ans1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The time complexity of the program is the same as the previous program. There is stack used in the program, making the space complexity of the program O(n).</p> <h3>Using Recursion</h3> <p>Using recursion also, we can achieve the same result. Observe the following.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr3.java</p> <pre> // importing ArrayList import java.util.ArrayList; public class ReverseArr3 { ArrayList reverseArr; // constructor of the class ReverseArr3() { reverseArr = new ArrayList(); } // method for reversing an array public void reverseArray(int arr[], int i, int size) { // dealing with the base case if(i &gt;= size) { return; } // recursively calling the method reverseArray(arr, i + 1, size); reverseArr.add(arr[i]); } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr3 ReverseArr3 obj = new ReverseArr3(); // input array - 1 int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 0 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + \' \'); } obj.reversearray(arr, , len); system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(obj.reversearr.get(i) system.out.println(\'
 obj="new" reversearr3(); input - int arr1[]="{4," 8, 3, 9, 0, 1}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] obj.reversearray(arr1, pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> The statement <em>reverseArr.add(arr[i]);</em> is written after the recursive call goes in the stack (note that the stack is implicit in this case). So, when the base case is hit in the recursive call, stack unwinding happens, and whatever is there in the stack pops out. The last element goes into the stack during the last recursive call. Therefore, the last element is popped out first. Then the penultimate element is popped out, and so on. The statement <em>reverseArr.add(arr[i]);</em> stores that popped element. In the end, we are displaying the elements that are stored in the list <em>reverseArr</em> .</p> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> Same as the first program of approach-3.</p> <h2>Approach 4: Using Collections.reverse() method</h2> <p>The build method Collections.reverse() can be used to reverse the list. The use of it is shown in the following program.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr4.java</p> <pre> // importing Collections, Arrays, ArrayList &amp; List import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class ReverseArr4 { // method for reversing an array public List reverseArray(Integer arr[]) { List l = (Arrays.asList(arr)); Collections.reverse(l); return l; } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr4 ReverseArr4 obj = new ReverseArr4(); // input array - 1 Integer arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + \' \'); } list ans="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(ans.get(i) system.out.println(\'
 input - integer arr1[]="{4," 8, 3, 9, 0, 1}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The program uses <em>Collections.reverse()</em> method that reverses the list in linear time, making the time complexity of the program O(n). The program uses using list, making the space complexity of the program O(n), where n is the total number of elements present in the array.</p> <h4>Note 1: <em>Collections.reverse()</em> method is also used to reverse the linked list.</h4> <h4>Note 2: All the approaches discussed above are applicable to different data types too.</h4> <h2>Approach 5: Using StringBuilder.append() method</h2> <p>It is evident from the heading that this approach is applicable to string arrays. Using the StringBuilder.append() method, we can reverse the string array. All we have to do is to start appending the string elements of the array from the last to the beginning.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr5.java</p> <pre> import java.util.*; public class ReverseArr5 { // method for reversing an array public String[] reverseArray(String arr[]) { StringBuilder reversedSB = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = arr.length; j &gt; 0; j--) { reversedSB.append(arr[j - 1]).append(&apos; &apos;); }; String[] reversedArr = reversedSB.toString().split(&apos; &apos;); return reversedArr; } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr5 ReverseArr5 obj = new ReverseArr5(); // input array - 1 String arr[] = {&apos;javaTpoint&apos;, &apos;is&apos;, &apos;the&apos;, &apos;best&apos;, &apos;website&apos;}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + \' \'); } string[] ans="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(ans[i] system.out.println(\'
 input - string arr1[]="{&apos;India&apos;," \'is\', \'my\', \'country\'}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] ans1="obj.reverseArray(arr1);" system.out.print(ans1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: javaTpoint is the best website The reversed array is: website best the is javaTpoint For the input array: India is my country The reversed array is: country my is India </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The time and space complexity of the program is the same as the previous program.</p> <hr></len;></pre></len;></pre></len;></pre></size;>

Kompleksitetsanalyse: Tidskompleksiteten til programmet er den samme som det forrige programmet. Det er stack brukt i programmet, noe som gjør plasskompleksiteten til programmet O(n).

Bruker rekursjon

Ved å bruke rekursjon kan vi også oppnå samme resultat. Vær oppmerksom på følgende.

Filnavn: ReverseArr3.java

 // importing ArrayList import java.util.ArrayList; public class ReverseArr3 { ArrayList reverseArr; // constructor of the class ReverseArr3() { reverseArr = new ArrayList(); } // method for reversing an array public void reverseArray(int arr[], int i, int size) { // dealing with the base case if(i &gt;= size) { return; } // recursively calling the method reverseArray(arr, i + 1, size); reverseArr.add(arr[i]); } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr3 ReverseArr3 obj = new ReverseArr3(); // input array - 1 int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 0 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + \' \'); } obj.reversearray(arr, , len); system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(obj.reversearr.get(i) system.out.println(\'
 obj="new" reversearr3(); input - int arr1[]="{4," 8, 3, 9, 0, 1}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] obj.reversearray(arr1, pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> The statement <em>reverseArr.add(arr[i]);</em> is written after the recursive call goes in the stack (note that the stack is implicit in this case). So, when the base case is hit in the recursive call, stack unwinding happens, and whatever is there in the stack pops out. The last element goes into the stack during the last recursive call. Therefore, the last element is popped out first. Then the penultimate element is popped out, and so on. The statement <em>reverseArr.add(arr[i]);</em> stores that popped element. In the end, we are displaying the elements that are stored in the list <em>reverseArr</em> .</p> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> Same as the first program of approach-3.</p> <h2>Approach 4: Using Collections.reverse() method</h2> <p>The build method Collections.reverse() can be used to reverse the list. The use of it is shown in the following program.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr4.java</p> <pre> // importing Collections, Arrays, ArrayList &amp; List import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class ReverseArr4 { // method for reversing an array public List reverseArray(Integer arr[]) { List l = (Arrays.asList(arr)); Collections.reverse(l); return l; } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr4 ReverseArr4 obj = new ReverseArr4(); // input array - 1 Integer arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + \' \'); } list ans="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(ans.get(i) system.out.println(\'
 input - integer arr1[]="{4," 8, 3, 9, 0, 1}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The program uses <em>Collections.reverse()</em> method that reverses the list in linear time, making the time complexity of the program O(n). The program uses using list, making the space complexity of the program O(n), where n is the total number of elements present in the array.</p> <h4>Note 1: <em>Collections.reverse()</em> method is also used to reverse the linked list.</h4> <h4>Note 2: All the approaches discussed above are applicable to different data types too.</h4> <h2>Approach 5: Using StringBuilder.append() method</h2> <p>It is evident from the heading that this approach is applicable to string arrays. Using the StringBuilder.append() method, we can reverse the string array. All we have to do is to start appending the string elements of the array from the last to the beginning.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr5.java</p> <pre> import java.util.*; public class ReverseArr5 { // method for reversing an array public String[] reverseArray(String arr[]) { StringBuilder reversedSB = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = arr.length; j &gt; 0; j--) { reversedSB.append(arr[j - 1]).append(&apos; &apos;); }; String[] reversedArr = reversedSB.toString().split(&apos; &apos;); return reversedArr; } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr5 ReverseArr5 obj = new ReverseArr5(); // input array - 1 String arr[] = {&apos;javaTpoint&apos;, &apos;is&apos;, &apos;the&apos;, &apos;best&apos;, &apos;website&apos;}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + \' \'); } string[] ans="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(ans[i] system.out.println(\'
 input - string arr1[]="{&apos;India&apos;," \'is\', \'my\', \'country\'}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] ans1="obj.reverseArray(arr1);" system.out.print(ans1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: javaTpoint is the best website The reversed array is: website best the is javaTpoint For the input array: India is my country The reversed array is: country my is India </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The time and space complexity of the program is the same as the previous program.</p> <hr></len;></pre></len;></pre></len;>

Forklaring: Uttalelsen reverseArr.add(arr[i]); skrives etter at det rekursive kallet går i stabelen (merk at stabelen er implisitt i dette tilfellet). Så når base casen blir truffet i den rekursive samtalen, skjer stabelavvikling, og det som er i stabelen spretter ut. Det siste elementet går inn i stabelen under det siste rekursive kallet. Derfor sprettes det siste elementet ut først. Så sprettes det nest siste elementet ut, og så videre. Uttalelsen reverseArr.add(arr[i]); butikker som poppet element. Til slutt viser vi elementene som er lagret i listen reverseArr .

Kompleksitetsanalyse: Samme som det første programmet for tilnærming-3.

Tilnærming 4: Bruke metoden Collections.reverse().

Byggemetoden Collections.reverse() kan brukes til å snu listen. Bruken av den vises i følgende program.

Filnavn: ReverseArr4.java

 // importing Collections, Arrays, ArrayList &amp; List import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class ReverseArr4 { // method for reversing an array public List reverseArray(Integer arr[]) { List l = (Arrays.asList(arr)); Collections.reverse(l); return l; } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr4 ReverseArr4 obj = new ReverseArr4(); // input array - 1 Integer arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + \' \'); } list ans="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(ans.get(i) system.out.println(\'
 input - integer arr1[]="{4," 8, 3, 9, 0, 1}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The reversed array is: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the input array: 4 8 3 9 0 1 The reversed array is: 1 0 9 3 8 4 </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The program uses <em>Collections.reverse()</em> method that reverses the list in linear time, making the time complexity of the program O(n). The program uses using list, making the space complexity of the program O(n), where n is the total number of elements present in the array.</p> <h4>Note 1: <em>Collections.reverse()</em> method is also used to reverse the linked list.</h4> <h4>Note 2: All the approaches discussed above are applicable to different data types too.</h4> <h2>Approach 5: Using StringBuilder.append() method</h2> <p>It is evident from the heading that this approach is applicable to string arrays. Using the StringBuilder.append() method, we can reverse the string array. All we have to do is to start appending the string elements of the array from the last to the beginning.</p> <p> <strong>FileName:</strong> ReverseArr5.java</p> <pre> import java.util.*; public class ReverseArr5 { // method for reversing an array public String[] reverseArray(String arr[]) { StringBuilder reversedSB = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = arr.length; j &gt; 0; j--) { reversedSB.append(arr[j - 1]).append(&apos; &apos;); }; String[] reversedArr = reversedSB.toString().split(&apos; &apos;); return reversedArr; } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr5 ReverseArr5 obj = new ReverseArr5(); // input array - 1 String arr[] = {&apos;javaTpoint&apos;, &apos;is&apos;, &apos;the&apos;, &apos;best&apos;, &apos;website&apos;}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + \' \'); } string[] ans="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println(\'the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(ans[i] system.out.println(\'
 input - string arr1[]="{&apos;India&apos;," \'is\', \'my\', \'country\'}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println(\'for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] ans1="obj.reverseArray(arr1);" system.out.print(ans1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: javaTpoint is the best website The reversed array is: website best the is javaTpoint For the input array: India is my country The reversed array is: country my is India </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The time and space complexity of the program is the same as the previous program.</p> <hr></len;></pre></len;>

Kompleksitetsanalyse: Programmet bruker Collections.reverse() metode som reverserer listen i lineær tid, noe som gjør tidskompleksiteten til programmet O(n). Programmet bruker å bruke liste, noe som gjør plasskompleksiteten til programmet O(n), der n er det totale antallet elementer som er tilstede i matrisen.

konvertere fra char til int java

Merknad 1: Collections.reverse() metoden brukes også til å reversere den koblede listen.

Merknad 2: Alle tilnærmingene diskutert ovenfor gjelder også for forskjellige datatyper.

Tilnærming 5: Bruk av StringBuilder.append() metoden

Det er tydelig fra overskriften at denne tilnærmingen er anvendelig for strengmatriser. Ved å bruke StringBuilder.append()-metoden kan vi reversere string-arrayen. Alt vi trenger å gjøre er å begynne å legge til strengelementene i matrisen fra sist til begynnelsen.

Filnavn: ReverseArr5.java

 import java.util.*; public class ReverseArr5 { // method for reversing an array public String[] reverseArray(String arr[]) { StringBuilder reversedSB = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = arr.length; j &gt; 0; j--) { reversedSB.append(arr[j - 1]).append(&apos; &apos;); }; String[] reversedArr = reversedSB.toString().split(&apos; &apos;); return reversedArr; } // main method public static void main(String argvs[]) { // creating an object of the class ReverseArr5 ReverseArr5 obj = new ReverseArr5(); // input array - 1 String arr[] = {&apos;javaTpoint&apos;, &apos;is&apos;, &apos;the&apos;, &apos;best&apos;, &apos;website&apos;}; // computing the length int len = arr.length; System.out.println(&apos;For the input array: &apos;); for(int i = 0; i <len; 2 i++) { system.out.print(arr[i] + \\' \\'); } string[] ans="obj.reverseArray(arr);" system.out.println(); system.out.println(\\'the reversed array is: for(int i="0;" < len; system.out.print(ans[i] system.out.println(\\'
 input - string arr1[]="{&apos;India&apos;," \\'is\\', \\'my\\', \\'country\\'}; computing the length len="arr1.length;" system.out.println(\\'for array: system.out.print(arr1[i] ans1="obj.reverseArray(arr1);" system.out.print(ans1[i] pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> For the input array: javaTpoint is the best website The reversed array is: website best the is javaTpoint For the input array: India is my country The reversed array is: country my is India </pre> <p> <strong>Complexity Analysis:</strong> The time and space complexity of the program is the same as the previous program.</p> <hr></len;>

Kompleksitetsanalyse: Tids- og romkompleksiteten til programmet er den samme som det forrige programmet.